Training Programs
- Karate-do
- Aikido
- Kung Fu
- Wing Chun
- Children's Program
Benefits of Membership
As the oldest full-time martial arts school in Ann Arbor, we offer unparalleled opportunities for self-development through training in the traditional martial arts. Some of the unique benefits of our school are:
Membership privileges: Regular members may attend as many of the regularly scheduled classes in their program as they choose. Later in the course of training, members are encouraged to train in more than one martial art.
Training facilities: Cushioned mats cover floors in the primary training area. Specified facilities available to qualified students include weight training, traditional weapons, and special equipment for various kinds of developmental exercises.
Multimedia resource libraries: Extensive book and video libraries provide a wealth of information on many martial traditions as well as related subjects.
Special Training Opportunities: Seminars, pilot programs, and visiting instructors are available to students. In the past, seminars and special instruction have been offered in many additional disciplines.
Rank Advancement: Students of the AMAS have the privilege of advancing through the various ranks and titles awarded according to their martial art.
Community: Emphasis on traditional values, contribution to the group, and mutual respect and welfare helps develop a supportive environment for all students. Holiday parties, banquets, barbecues, and other social events grow from a healthy and positive group atmosphere.
The Way of the Warrior -- A NOTE ON BUDO
All of the martial arts studied at the Asian Martial Arts Studio are taught in an atmosphere of cooperation and mutual respect, with the goal of strengthening the individual in all aspects of development.
In keeping with the traditional concepts of Budo, the practitioner is encouraged and assisted in developing all facets of his or her personality, including intellectual, moral and physical.
The ancient character for Budo, or Wu-tao in Chinese, can be rendered not only as "the way of the Warrior," but also, "to stop two swords from clashing."
The Asian Martial Arts Studio realizes that one of the most misunderstood and yet most essential elements of the martial arts is the idea that conflict should be prevented, not promoted.
Moreover, the extension of this principle is that one not only desires to stop conflict once it has started, but also seeks to promote harmony.
This principle is followed both in training at the dojo and beyond the walls of the training area, in all aspects of life.